Are We Playing Simon Says?

Sommer Season all year

You probably noticed I’ve (#blogger #blog #somseason #YA #authors) taken a break from blogging, instead, spending time in nature, camping with my wife and occasionally with some of my children. It was my way to disconnect from all the craziness in this world of ours. I’m sure you’ll agree, sometimes we need a break.

Coming back to reality, I see the craziness continues. It feels like I’m in a game of ‘Simon Says,’ a game I played as a kid. If you are unfamiliar with the game, it is a children’s game where one player takes the role of “Simon” and issues instructions to the other players, which should be followed only when prefaced with the phrase “Simon says.” Players are eliminated from the game by either following instructions that are not immediately preceded by the phrase, or by failing to follow an instruction which does include the phrase “Simon…

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